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Gnathology is one of the major fields of dentistry in the 21st century, taking one of the leading place in planning of dental treatment and the study of the jaw-tooth system.

The main goal of gnathological treatment is to correct the asymmetry of the lower third of the face, to center the joint heads of the lower jaw and the mandibular joint, to normalize the occlusion.

The main complaints of gnathological patients are:

  • Pain in the area of ​​the lower jaw
  • Stretching of the muscles involved in chewing
  • Jaw joint cracking
  • Restriction on opening or closing the mouth
  • Tinnitus and wheezing
  • Asymmetry of the lower third of the face (aesthetic discomfort)
  • Tooth loss (bruxism)

The treatment is done through special transparent caps, which are placed on the teeth of the lower jaw and last from 4 to 6 months. Improperly performed prosthodontic, orthodontic or therapeutic treatment can cause a number of problems in the area of ​​the mandibular joint. Gnathology will solve these problems for you.

Blits Dental - Kakhaber Kharebava Clinic is equipped with the latest 3D computed tomography, which is one of the main means of diagnosing gnatological patients. It provides a detailed discussion of both joints in mm. Early diagnosis, the professional gnatologist and the latest technology will avoid further complications.